Friday, May 2, 2014

Cold Weather Fishing for Warm Water Fish

Headed out to Stoney Creek Metro Park today with my friend Scott. Scott is getting reacquainted with the sport and, for better or worse, is getting advice from yours truly.

We had choices: walk and wade Paint Creek, walk and wade the Clinton River, kayak Lake St. Clair, kayak Stoney Creek, or wade Stoney Creek. Because of the brisk winds today, I figured controlling a kayak and re-familiarizing yourself with fly casting was a tall order. And due to all the recent rains, the rivers are very high (two times their median flow).
yeah, maybe in a couple days if it stops raining
I hear this is a great time of year for pike fishing. They are in the shallows and post spawn fish are very aggressive. Supposedly you can sight fish for rather large pike.

With this in mind, I decided we should walk and wade the shoreline of Stoney Creek Lake. Temperatures were in the upper 40's, winds were steady and moderate from the west, and the sun was visible somewhere above the thick clouds. Although difficult to fly cast with the wind, I really thought it would be a good fishing/catching day. I was wrong.

We fished the shoreline of the middle portion of the lake, Scott making his way south, me working northward. It was here that Scott caught his first fish of the season, a bluegill.

I believe I recently stated one of these days I'll post a picture of an actual fish. And I was right that it likely would not be caught by me. Pardon the image quality as he had to take it himself as I was a little ways away. Scott's bluegill:
hey, a fish is a fish, right?
 After some time out there with no other action, I suggested we explore a new area to cast.

As we made our way to a new location the weather got nastier, and that is saying something. The intermittent sprinkles became a steady rain, justifying the rain jackets and hoods.

For as ugly as it was outside, it was quite beautiful at the same time. A few parts of the woods are starting to show some green. The lake has very little weed growth, which won't last for long. Not surprising, there were only a few die hards out on the lake; one guy fishing the bank, and three anglers in a small bass boat. The best part was getting to spend some time outside with a friend.

Next time we will remember to rehydrate with the goods in the cooler. Hopefully, next time we will be in the mood for them, as opposed to hot chocolate and coffee.

Until next time, get out there...


  1. Pike are a lot of fun post-spawn. Sorry you guys didn't hook up with any. Thats the name of the game I suppose. Thanks for the post. Keep up the good work.

  2. Dave, I think it is great that you are willing to battle the obstacles weather wise and get out on the water. I have never caught or fished really for Pike. Catching them in shallow water would be awesome! Thanks for sharing.
